Delia Yapp


Name: Delia Yapp


Age: 28


Home Town: Ludlow, Shropshire


Occupation & Job role:

Local Government Officer.


I work in Economic Regeneration helping businesses to grow and develop.  I manage several networking groups that bring businesses and entrepreneurs together to share ideas, collaborate on projects and develop the business base in the region. The role incorporates my main academic disciplines; my degree in Political Studies and Masters Degree in International Business Management.


Interests & Hobbies

I love to be busy and socialising.

I enjoy all sports, playing netball competitively, swimming and golf when weather permits. I’m also a keen football fan, when not watching my husband play I support Hereford United, a local team. I love spending time with my friends and spend free time with my family, particularly helping my Dad on our family farm in Herefordshire.

I am a keen follower of current affairs and love a good debate.


Favourite Food: Beef


If I had one wish: I would wish for three more wishes or a time machine.




7 Responses to “Delia Yapp”

  1. Mr C Says:

    Hey Delia,

    Enjoy America, show them how to sort out the financial crisis so it stops affecting us!
    Not only will you be able to at first hand experience the biggest Political showdown in the world remember you will also be there for Halloween 🙂
    Good networking 😉 and make some good contacts
    Safe Journey and have fun
    Mr C x

  2. Lesley Says:

    Hiiii Dee.
    hope you are having a lovely time in Kansas!!
    dont worrry about being homesick you will have a wonderful time im sure.
    o thank god i found this site.
    i ad to ask my 16 year old friend to get me on.
    turns out i left an ‘s’ out.
    im sure im a natural blonde :L

    can’t wait to have you back.
    lots of love

  3. Indi Says:

    Hey Dee Dee.
    Just looked at the piccies looks like your having fun 😀


  4. Alison Hiles Says:

    Hey Dee, or should I say How Dee!!!

    I’m glad you’re having a fantastic time, it was well worth all those miles and late nights!!
    Missing you loads obviously and we’ll have to arrange a night with a few bottles of vino so you can tell us all about it!!
    THe pictures look fab, I think I might have to start saving to take a holiday over there!!
    Don’t work too hard but enjoy every minute!!!
    Lots of Love,
    Ally, Mark and Elliott!!

  5. Coral Says:

    Hey Dee,
    Have you bagged yourself a cowboy yet, to go with your hat and sexy boots?
    Dad said he spoke to you tonight and was very excited.
    all in Tenbury is good, but had 3 inches of snow in Wolverhampton; in October, all to do with global warming.
    Saw Bambi’s dad on the way to work this morning, nearly put the car in the hedge.
    Defa is a very happy chappy, Cory has successfully recovered from Saturday night, Indi is still in love and Eden is being Eden.
    Have a fantatic Halloween.
    Speak soon

  6. Jacqui Says:

    Hi Dee
    Just had a look through your photos and it’s clear that you are having a fantastic visit! I see you are in Witchita today and I hope you are word perfect on that Glen Campbell song by now??!! You’re missing little at this end but we are certainly missing you!!
    I wonder what the feeling on the election is like over there and whether people are aware of how much interest there is on this side of the Atlantic?? The newspapers and TV can talk of little else (suppose it’s making a nice change from politicians shmoozing with Russians in the Med and resignations at the BBC!!), we’re getting all the debates and speeches in a much fuller reporting style too.

    The boyz are off school this week and, following a whirlwind tour of “that London” (taking in Tate Modern, Joseph the musical and, last but certainly not least, Brentford United v Shrewsbury at Griffin Park Whey Hey!!) and East Anglia (sunny day at Great Yarmouth), they are back home and up to high dough… making pumpkin lanterns and dressing to thrill the neighbours tonight! Dominic looking like an early Alice Cooper…a glass of the red stuff will be in order ce soir me thinks! Take Care! Have the best of times!
    Jac xxx

  7. chris hill Says:

    Hi ya
    Hows things going had a good time on election night?
    Tthe office isnt quite the same without you
    Let me know how you are getting on


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